FRANZ Michael R., SACHS Frederick, KOHL Peter
Hardback approx.
2005 not yet published
approx.price..EUROS 195,47 ( FF 1282,20 )
Better understand the mechanisms of arrhythmia, cellular modifiers, and the clinical answers to these disorders! Written by internationally recognized leaders in the field, this groundbreaking resource reflects the state of the art in all aspects of mechanical heart function.
Readers will find detailed discussions of mechanisms of feedback, effects on cellular electrophysiology, experimental manifestations, normal physiology, pathogenic mechanisms, therapeutic interventions and more.
This book gives readers a solid foundation in the basic science of mechano-electric feedback to help them understand its clinical outcomes and future potential.
It provides expert guidelines for the management of conditions such as atrial fibrillation, heart failure, hypertension, and cardiomyopathy.
Helps readers apply research to practice with a clear explanation of the clinical trials in resynchronization.
Considers new mechanical techniques plus new pharmaceuticals in the management of heart function.
Makes complex information easy to understand with 200 illustrations.
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Broché env.
264 p.
17.5x25 2005 A PARAITRE
prix approximatif 92,00 EUROS ( 603,48 FF)
Summary / Résumé
Cet ouvrage expose les différentes techniques d'utilisation du scanner et de l'IRM en cardiologie.
Se voulant très technique dans une première partie, afin d'exposer concrètement la complémentarité de l'IRM par rapport à l'échographie et les avantages lorsque l'on évite le recours à des techniques d'exploration invasives, ce livre aborde ensuite l'aspect diagnostique et dépistage : maladie coronaire, infarctus du myocarde, cardiopathies congénitales, cardiomyopathies primitives et secondaires, tumeurs, pathologie du péricarde, imagerie des flux et des valves.
Il s'agit donc à la fois d'un ouvrage de référence et d'un manuel pédagogique.
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Hardback 418 pp.
21x28 2005 +CD
EUROS 117,40 ( FF 770,09 )
Summary / Résumé
This book presents 92 unusual and challenging cases from the world-renowned echocardiography laboratory at New York University Medical Center.
Coverage represents the full range of unusual and difficult-to-interpret echocardiography cases that frequently confront physicians in practice.
Each case begins with a short clinical presentation and pertinent echocardiographic images, followed by multiple-choice questions on diagnosis and management.
The questions are followed by answers, discussions, and confirming illustrations.
A section on follow-up is included where appropriate.
The book contains more than 400 echocardiographic images, including 250 in full colour.
A bound-in CD-ROM provides video clips of each case presentation.
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Hardback approx.
15x23 2005 not yet published
approx.price..EUROS 134,68 ( FF 883,44 )
Summary / Résumé
This book will benefit physicians and other health care providers caring for older patients who have, or are at risk for, cardiovascular disease.
Leading clinicians review all aspects of treating cardiovascular disease in the elderly, including primary and secondary prevention strategies as well as the treatment of acute and chronic ischemic disease and its complications.
This text offers evidence-based recommendations relying on established clinical trials, thus making this an essential reference for all physicians treating the elderly.
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Hardback 450 pp.
18x25 2005 +DVD
EUROS 195,61 ( FF 1283,12 )
Summary / Résumé
A comprehensive survey of nonsurgical treatment for a variety of heart diseases that affect the cardiac valves, the heart muscle, and the structure of the heart.
The authors describe who these procedures are useful for, how to do them, and how well they work.
Major topics of discussion include percutaneous techniques for valvular heart disease, septal defects at both the atrial and ventricular levels, adjunctive therapies during coronary interventions, and angioplasty to treat extracardiac vascular disease, as well as reviews of the cutting-edge imaging modalities now being used in interventional procedures.
An accompanying DVD-ROM contains video demonstrations of catheterization and and the imaging portions of these procedures.
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KHAN Gabriel
Hardback approx.
18x25 2005 not yet published +CDD
approx.price..EUROS 134,68 ( FF 883,44 )
Summary / Résumé
Gabriel Khan, MD, concisely assembles in a reader friendly format all the clinically useful information that an internist needs in both his daily rounds and abusy office practice to find correct clinical diagnoses and choose optimal pharmacologic therapies for their patients.
Highlights include a simplified method for recognition of, and a practical therapeutic approach to, arrhythmias, as well as a more logical approach to drug management of hypertension than that given by the Joint National Committee, instructive algorithms that simplify the diagnosis and treatment of syncope, and extensive diagnostic information on hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
A large number of illustrative electrocardiograms that help to clarify the most often misinterpreted of all cardiologic tests and extensive discussions of practical cardiovascular pharmacology complete this magisterial survey.
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PRISANT Michael L.
Hardback 500 pp.
15x23 2005
EUROS 134,68 ( FF 883,44 )
Summary / Résumé
A comprehensive review of all aspects of hypertension in the elderly using the most current clinical data.
Topics range from basic concepts, epidemiology and trials, and evaluation and management, to pharmacologic treatment, special populations, and adherence, all presented with an emphasis on the optimal management of patients.
The authors examine in detail the mechanisms of hypertension in the elderly, the lifestyle trials and outcomes trials that were conducted in older persons, as well as the problems of clinical evaluation, secondary hypertension, adherence, and target organ damage.
Extensive discussions of pharmacologic therapy detail the role of all the major drug classes.
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QUINN Martin
Hardback approx.
15x23 2005 not yet published
approx.price..EUROS 164,83 ( FF 1081,21 )
Summary / Résumé
This volume provides methods of assessing platelet function important for understanding many common cardiovascular disorders such as myocardial infraction, unstable angina and stroke.
The first section on platelet physiology provides the reader with an understanding of the platelet biology underlying functional analyses.
The second section reviews means of assessing platelet function including the commonly used platelet aggregation, thromboxane production, expression of platelet activation markers, procoagulant activity, and platelet function under flow.
As discussed are the fast developing fields of proteomics and genomics and their application to platelet research.
Chapters focus both on the technology and the outcome of research on platelets.
The final section of the book describes the clinical application of the various methods for the assessment of platelet function in vivo, and provides an overview of antiplatelet therapy.
The book is aimed at an audience of scientists, clinical researchers, clinicians, and other health care workers with an interest in platelet biology.
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LAHAM Roger L., BAIM Donald S.
Hardback approx.
15x23 2005 not yet published
approx.price..EUROS 189,08 ( FF 1240,28 )
Summary / Résumé
This book presents the molecular basis of therapeutic angiogenesis, pre-clinical animal studies, and clinical studies to date.
It places great emphasis on new upcoming findings as well as those already approved including the history of success and failures to provide the reader with a strong overview.
Coverage is given to various obstacles that need to be surmounted to make therapeutic angiogenesis a reality.
The text delves deeper into the subject matter examining other modalities used to treat patients with refractory angina, including laser and other mechanical myocardial revascularization, spinal cord stimulation and EECP.
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Hardback approx.
18x25 2005 not yet published
approx.price..EUROS 134,68 ( FF 883,44 )
Summary / Résumé
In his newly expanded second edition of Essential Cardiology: Principles and Practices, Clive Rosendorff presents 44 contributions that blend state-of-the-art basic science coverage with discussions of the key clinical techniques used in cardiology today.
Emphasizing the most common and clinically important conditions, they discuss epidemiology; circulatory function; examination and investigation of the patient; disorders of rhythm and conduction; heart failure; congenital, coronary, and valvular heart disease; hypertension; other conditions that affect the heart; and miscellaneous topics.
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CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE IN AIDS BARBARO GiuseppeBoccara Franck Paperback 180 pp.
2005 EUROS 134,95 ( FF 885,21 )
Summary / Résumé
Studies published before the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) tracked the incidence and course of HIV infection in relation to cardiac illness in both children and adults.
These studies show that subclinical echocardiographic abnormalities independently predict adverse outcomes and identify high-risk groups to be targeted for early intervention and therapy.
The introduction of HAART has altered cardiovascular manifestations in HIV.
On the one hand, HAART has significantly modified the course of HIV disease, lengthened survival, and improved the quality of life of HIV-infected patients.
On the other hand, the early data have raised concerns that HAART is associated with an increase in both peripheral and coronary arterial diseases, creating an intriguing clinical scenery.
This book focuses on new clinical and biological insight related to HIV-associated metabolic and cardiovascular complications in the HAART era.
Evolution and pathogenesis of the involvement of the cardiovascular system in HIV infection.- Pathogenesis of HAART-associated metabolic syndrome.- Pathology of cardiac complications in HIV infection.- Pathology of peripheral and coronary vessels in AIDS patients.- Coronary heart disease in HIV-infected patients: Epidemiology.- Coronary artery disease in HIV-infected patients.
Clinical Presentation, Pathophysiology, Prognosis, Prevention and Treatment.- Cerebrovascular disease in HIV-infected patients.- Peripheral arterial disease in HIV-infected patients: Atherosclerosis and vasculitic syndromes.- HIV-associated pulmonary hypertension.- Coagulative disorders in HIV-infected patients.- Cardiovascular complications in HIV-infected children.- Cardiac surgery and the human immunodeficiency virus.- Cardiological emergencies in HIV-infected patients.- Guidelines for the prevention of cardiovascular risk in HIV-infected patients treated with antiretroviral drugs.
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468 pp.
EUROS 99,95 ( FF 655,63 )
Summary / Résumé
The book aims to give the most up-to-date information about the epidemiology, the pathophysiology, the diagnosis and the new treatments of the Emerging Pathologies in Cardiology.
It presents the state of the art on Acute Coronary Syndromes, Sudden Cardiac Death, Heart Failure, Atrial Fibrillation, Syncope and Prevention of Global Cardiovascular Risk which are some of the emerging pathologies urging investigators to develop many and more sophisticated pharmacological, electrical or mechanical therapies.
The volume chapters are written by world-renowned leading experts in these fields, and present a detailed analysis of the most recent developments in the treatment of the above mentioned cardiac pathologies.
Protagonists of Global Cardiovascular Risk: Role of PUFAn-3.- State of the Art in High Energy Device, Therapy for Sudden Cardiac Death and Heart Failure.- Global Cardiovascular Risk: Assessment and Prevention.- Hemodynamic Sensing in the Control of Pacing Function.- Management of ACS: From Acute to Long Term.- Advances in Managing Heart Failure and Sudden Cardiac Death.- Drug-Eluting Stent.
Current Practice and Major Challenge: Are They an Alternative to Surgery?.- Non Electric Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation.- Tirofiban: New Therapeutical Prospectives.- How to Approach CRT Today.- Vaso-Vagal Syncope: Soft Treatment for a Soft Disease?.- Pharmacological Therapy of Atrial Fibrillation: From Guidelines to Real Life.- Future New Indications for PM/CRT/ICD.
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Paperback approx.
2005 not yet published
approx.price..EUROS 36,95 ( FF 242,38 )
Summary / Résumé
Coronary Heart Disease in Clinical Practice is a concise and thorough reference book for health professionals involved in the care and treatment of cardiac patients, both in primary care and hospital environment.
It highlights the important aspects of the numerous current guidelines, both in America and the UK, making this a valuable timesaving reference tool that incorporates the latest research in the field.
The broad coverage of this book includes chapters on coronary heart disease, cardiac investigations, angina, acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, arrhythmia, lipids, hypertension and diabetes.
Aspects of risk modification, including nutrition, obesity, smoking and alcohol, are also discussed.
The text contains carefully selected, complex medical quarries on hot topics and each is explained at length with the aid of illustrations and tables.
Healthy Living.- Lipids.- Diabetes Mellitus.- Hypertension.- Cardiac Investigations.- Coronary Artery Disease.- Angina.- Acute Coronary Syndrome.- Heart Failure.- Arrhythmias.
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CODINE Philippe, KOTZKI Nelly, PELISSIER Jacques
Broché 114 p.
16x24 2005
48,00 EUROS ( 314,86 FF)
Summary / Résumé
Ce titre fait partie de la série 2005 des 6 ouvrages du congrès de Lucien Simon (XXXIIIes Entretiens de médecine physique et de réadaptation).
La maladie thromboembolique est une maladie fréquente et grave, qui reste parfois méconnue, malgré les récentes avancées diagnostiques et thérapeutiques.
Après avoir abordé les aspects généraux des troubles de la coagulation, cet ouvrage développe la place de la fibrinolyse dans le traitement des accidents vasculaires cérébraux et des syndromes coronariens aigus, puis les méthodes diagnostiques, préventives et thérapeutiques de la phlébite et de l’embolie pulmonaire, complications de la maladie thromboembolique.
Enfin, l’ensemble des traitements anticoagulants est passé en revue, avec leur utilisation en pathologie cardio-vasculaire, en neurologie et en orthopédie.
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Hardback 400 pp.
EUROS 121,27 ( FF 795,48 )
Summary / Résumé
In recent years magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has enriched the technological potential available for the characterization of cardiovascular pathologies, adding substantial advantages to other non-invasive techniques.
This technique, which is intrinsically digital and has reduced operator dependency, allows the performance of image analysis in a quantitative and reproducible manner.
The use of non-ionizing energy with the consequent absence of an environmental impact and of operator and patient biohazards makes MRI a winning technique when evaluating the risk – benefit ratio in comparison to other imaging methods.
In virtue of its added diagnostic value and inherent refinements that allow construction of two- and three-dimensional images, MRI is gaining a primary role in the histopathological and physiopathological understanding of a large number of pathologies concerning the heart and vessels.
This text is addressed both to MRI operators seeking specific technical information and to clinicians who wish to have a better understanding of the diagnostic and management advantages that MRI can offer.
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Hardback 134 pp.
EUROS 101,23 ( FF 664,03 )
Summary / Résumé
Multidetector-row computed tomography (MDCT) has advanced the approach to diagnostic assessment of many pathologies and now plays an integral role in imaging of both abdominal and cardiovascular diseases.
The possibility to acquire diagnostic images with shorter scan duration, longer scan ranges, and/or thinner sections, MDCT has facilitated the opening of new horizons, such as interventional MDCT and functional imaging in stroke and oncology.
In addition, advanced postprocessing techniques now permit high quality volumetric imaging in combination with maximum intensity projections, volume rendering, curved planar reformations and multiplanar reconstructions.
This volume gathers contributions by internationally renowned specialists in the field who, through presenting their clinical experience, provide a thorough overview not only of MDCT and its practical applications, but also of workflow management in everyday clinical practice.
Focussing on scanning and contrast protocols, the current advantages and disadvantages of non-enhanced vs.
enhanced MDCT are discussed, along with insights into likely future developments.
The volume represents an up-to-date source of technical and practically-oriented clinical information which should prove of great benefit to all who wish to improve or consolidate their knowledge and expertise in MDCT.
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Hardback 248 pp.
EUROS 63,25 ( FF 414,89 )
Summary / Résumé
The fact that the cardiovascular system transports oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body makes any threat to its well-being a serious hazard to organs, tissues, and cells.
This fundamental truth underlines the importance of research into cardiovascular regeneration and, therefore, of this collection outlining the latest developments in the field.
With input from many of the leading researchers and practitioners, this book describes techniques for therapeutic angiogenesis and vasculogenesis for the treatment of ischemic diseases and examines the current approaches to angiogenic cytokines, cardiovascular stem cells, and tissue-engineering tools.
The latest clinical results using bone marrow-derived mononuclear cell therapy for intractable circulatory disorders are also covered.
This body of work will be a valuable resource for professionals in the fields of cardiovascular surgery, regenerative medicine, and tissue engineering.
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Paperback 2005 +DVD
EUROS 73,80 ( FF 484,10 )
Summary / Résumé
This multimedia DVD-ROM provides a concise compendium of state-of-the-art cardiac surgery.
Information covering the whole field of cardiac surgery is presented in a holistic concept: morphology and pathology specimen are displayed together with all types of diagnostic imaging methods, surgical schemes of treatment, and detailed photographic documentation.
Electronically structured text is divided into a general part (technique of cardiopulmonary bypass, cardiac morphology, surgical approaches etc.) and a special part.
The extraordinarily vast visual presentation (1270 pictures and 250 videos) involves illustrations, animated schemes and unique 3D models, diagnostic images of all kinds (ECHO, ECG, X-ray, CT, MRI, SPECT, catheterization), and close-ups from the operative field.
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Hardback 416 pp.
EUROS 131,88 ( FF 865,08 )
Summary / Résumé
This volume represents the first collection of articles contributed by research leaders working on the Myb family of transcriptional regulatory proteins.
In more than twenty chapters the authors discuss the range of biological processes and diverse cell types in which Myb proteins operate.
Although concentrating on the three vertebrate Myb family members, homologues from lower species are also discussed because of the light they are able to shed on the evolution and function of these proteins.
Individual chapters describe the involvement of Myb proteins, in particular c-Myb, in normal and diseased development and function of many tissues including haemopoietic cells, blood vessels, the gastrointestinal tract and the brain.
Several chapters explore the mechanistic details of the action of Myb proteins, especially structural features, their interaction with DNA and other regulatory proteins, and the variety of genes that are regulatory targets for this group of transcription factors.
This work will be of interest to those working directly in the field and also to the wider research community investigating the transcriptional regulation of development, differentiation and growth.
The therapeutic potential of manipulating Myb function is also discussed making the book appealing to clinician scientists in several fields including haematology, oncology and cardiology.
1 Evolution Of Myb Proteins, Colin Davidson, Emily Ray and Joseph Lipsick 2 Drosophila Myb: Lessons for the Understanding of Vertebrate Myb Proteins, Alisa L.
Katzen 3 Essential And Diverse Roles For C-Myb Throughout T Cell Development, Kathleen Weston 4 Potential Roles For C-Myb Thoughout Early Lymphocyte Development, Timothy P.
Bender 5 Involvement Of C-Myb In Red Cell And Megakaryocyte Development, Alexandros Vegiopoulos, Nikla R.
Emambokus, Jon Frampton 6 C-Myb As A Key Player In The Control Of Myeloid Cell Differentiation, Sandrine Sarrazin and Michael H.
Sieweke 7 Does C-Myb Have A Role In Haemopoietic Stem Cells And Multilineage Progenitors? Nikla R.
Emambokus and Jon Frampton 8 A-Myb In Development And Cancer, Ramana V.
Tantravahi, Stacey J.
Baker and E.
Premkumar Reddy 9 B-Myb: A Highly Regulated Member Of The Myb Transcription Factor Family, Roger J.
Watson 10 Regulation Of Mammalian Myb Gene Expression, Fiona J.
Tavner 11 The C-Myb DNA Binding Domain From Molecular Structure to Function, Kazuhiro Ogata, Tahir H.
Tahirov and Shunsuke Ishii 12 Myb Partnerships, Xianming Mo, Elisabeth Kowenz-Leutz and Achim Leutz 13 Target Genes Of V-Myb And C-Myb, Karl-Heinz Klempnauer 14 The Microarray Big Bang: Genome-Scale Identification of Myb Regulated Genes, Scott A.
Ness 15 The V-Myb Oncogene: Two Models for Activation, Fan Liu and Scott A.
Ness 16 C-Myb And Leukaemogenesis, Juraj Bies and Linda Wolff 17 The Involvement Of Myb In Vascular Injury, Cathy M.
Holt and Nadim Malik 18 Repression Of Matrix Gene Expression By B-Myb, Claudia S.
Hofmann and Gail E.
Sonenshein 19 The Role Of C-Myb In Gastrointestinal Tract Development And Carcinogenesis, Robert G.
Ramsay, Daniel Ciznadji and Gabriella Zupi 20 C-Myb And Creb Function In Adult Neurogenesis, Theo Mantamadiotis, Sally Lightowler, Marijana Vanevski, Mark A.
Rosenthal, Nikla R.
Emambokus, Jon Frampton, Robert G.
Ramsay 21 The C-Myb Gene: A Rational Target For Treatment Of Human Diseases, Susan E.
Shetzline and Alan M.
Gewirtz .
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Hardback 786 pp.
EUROS 291,18 ( FF 1910,02 )
Summary / Résumé
The present book is an outstanding summary of many aspects of cannabinoid research.
It provides current knowledge about the pharmacology and therapeutic potential of cannabinoids as well as knowledge about the pharmacology, physiology, and pathology of the endogenous cannabinoid systems.
The chapters are written by scientists who have made or are still making major contributions to the field.
This book may well help generate novel ideas on how to approach the study of emotions.
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Hardback approx.
2005 not yet published
approx.price..EUROS 105,45 ( FF 691,71 )
Summary / Résumé
This timely book provides basic, practical and up-to-date information on how to use imaging to diagnose and treat patients with acute ischemic stroke.
Written by physicians from the Massachusetts General Hospital and faculty from the Harvard Medical School, the book distills years of experience in the day-to-day management of acute stroke patients, as well as leading-edge basic and clinical research, into a practical guide.
With the growing awareness that modern CT and MR imaging can meaningfully improve the outcome of the acute stroke patient, this book provides the practical information to advance the capacities of providers in delivering the most advanced care for this disease.
Part I: Fundamentals of Acute Ischemic Stroke.
Ischemic Stroke: Basic Pathophysiology and Neuroprotective Strategies.
Causes of Ischemic Stroke.- Part II: Imaging of Acute Ischmic Stroke.
Unenhanced Computed Tomography (CT).
Stroke CT Angiography (CTA).
CT Perfusion (CTP).
Conventional MRI and MR Angiography of Stroke.
Diffusion MR of Acute Stroke.
Perfusion MR of Acute Stroke.-Stroke Imaging with SPECT, PET, Xenon-CT and MR Spectroscopy.- Part III: Intervention in Acute Ischemic Stroke.
Clinical Management of Acute Stroke.
Intravenous (IV) Thrombolysis.- Endovascular Treatment of Acute Stroke.
Public / Audience :
Radiologists, neuroradiologists, neurologists, nEUROSurgeons, specialists in emergency and internal medicine, cardiologists, stroke researchers.
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Hardback approx.
2005 not yet published +CD
approx.price..EUROS 105,45 ( FF 691,71 )
Summary / Résumé
The last decade, technical improvements will have changed the inventory of many research laboratories.
New techniques and discoveries continuously give rise to observations that consequently result in the definition of new research objectives.
In the past, research departments used to be clearly demarcated.
Nowadays, technology that is shared by all lines of research stimulates convergence of research interests.
This also applies to cardiovascular research.
Vascular occlusive disease is now core business for researchers employed by cardiology, vascular surgery, vascular medicine, radiology, cell biology, chemistry, physiology and many more departments.
Knowledge on actual research developments are shared by researchers with different skills.
It is sometimes difficult to acquire expertise when a researcher feels his experimental work could be improved by introducing a new research technique.
In this book the investigator will find an overview of recent developments that are relevant for research in general but cardiovascular research in particular.
Genomics, proteomics, micro-array, RNAi, stem cells and progenitor cells: just some phrases that became increasingly prevalent in literature the last couple of years and that are recognized by many, but fully understood by few.
In this book experts in their research fields will share the most appreciated new developments and techniques in cardiovascular research.
We hope that this book will help the reader, who is working in cardiovascular research, to understand and critically appreciate current research and that it will help improve the quality of the experimental work.
Part I: Methods: Expression Profiling in Cardiovascular Disease Using Microarrays.- Proteomics: State of the Art and its Relevance for Gene Therapy.- Cardiovascular Proteomics.- Real-time PCR.- New Technologies in Cardiovascular Research.- The role of Bioinformatics in Genomic Medicine.- RNA Interference: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Applications.- Part II: Applications: Stem Cells and Cardiomyocytes.- Can Somatic Stem Cells Regenerate Myocardial Tissue?- Gene Therapy for Angiogenesis.- Cardiovascular Research: New Technologies, Methods, and Applications.- Visualization of the Vulnerable Plague.- Index.
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Hardback approx.
2005 not yet published
approx.price..EUROS 147,65 ( FF 968,52 )
Summary / Résumé
This comprehensive and up-to-date presentation of vascular ultrasound provides a detailed account of this diagnostic modality and the exciting expansion it has seen in recent years.
The emphasis is on the clinical aspects that are relevant from the angiologist’s and vascular surgeon’s point of view.
The main chapters are subdivided into a text section and an atlas section.
The text part of each chapter gives an account of the respective vascular territory in terms of its sonoanatomy, the examination procedure and normal findings, the indications for diagnostic ultrasound, and the clinical impact of the ultrasound findings.
The atlas constituting the second part of each chapter presents a compilation of pertinent case material to illustrate the typical ultrasound findings not only of the more common vascular diseases but also of rare conditions that are nevertheless significant for the vascular surgeon and angiologist.
The ultrasound material is compared with the angiographic and intraoperative findings.
This book is a benefit for beginners as well as for experienced sonographers.
Fundamental Principles: Technical Principles of Diagnostic Ultrasound.- Hemodynamic Principles.- Instrument Settings.- Peripheral Arteries: Pelvic and Leg Arteries.- Arm Arteries.-Atlas: Peripheral Arteries.- Peripheral Veins: Pelvic and Leg Veins.- Arm Veins and Jugular Vein.- Atlas: Peripheral Veins.- Shunts: Spontaneous versus Therpeutic Shunts.- Examination Protocol, Technique, and Diagnostic Role.- Typical Shunt-related Changes of the Doppler Waveform.- Determination of Flow Rate.- Documentation.- Abnormal Findings (Dialysis Problems).- Diagnostik Role of Duplex Ultrasound Compared with Other Modalities.- Atlas: Shunts.- Extracranial Arteries Supplying the Brain: Normal Vascular Anatomy and Important Variants.-Examination Technique and Protocol.- Documentation.- Normal Findings.- Clinical Role of Duplex Ultrasound.- Ultrasound Criteria, Measurement Parameters, and Diagnostic Role.- Diagnosis of Brain Death.- Rare (Nonatherosclerotic) Vascular Diseases of the Carotid Territory.- Diagnostic Role of Duplex Ultrasound in the Evaluation of the Cerebral Arteries.-Atlas: Extracranial Arteries Supplying the Brain.- Visceral and Retroperitoneal Vessels: Abdominal Aorta, Visceral and Renal Arteries.-Visceral and Retroperitoneal Vessels.-Atlas: Visceral and Retroperitoneal Vessels.- Penile and Scrotal Vessels: Vascular Anatomy.-Examination Technique.-Normal Findings.- Documentation.- Abnormal Findings: Clinical Role of Duplex Ultrasound Parameters.-Atlas: Penile and Scrotal Vessels.- References.- Index.
Public / Audience :
Angiologists, radiologists, vascular surgeons.
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Broché env.
352 p.
17x24 2005 A PARAITRE
prix approximatif 38,00 EUROS ( 249,26 FF)
Summary / Résumé
Cet ouvrage interdisciplinaire fait le point sur l'actualité pharmacologique et biologique des pathologies cardiaques et vasculaires en reprenant les conférences et interventions des Journées internationales de Biologie données par les meilleurs spécialistes français de ces pathologies.
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Hardback 2832 pp.
EUROS 444,24 ( FF 2914,02 )
Summary / Résumé
This definitive 2-volume set provides encyclopedic, authoritative coverage of all aspects of vascular surgery.
The exhaustively revised and completely updated 6th Edition incorporates greater coverage of endovascular applications throughout, along with fresh approaches to key areas such as vascular access, imaging, and non-operative management.
In addition, it is now available as a multimedia, offering readers enhanced reference power plus weekly updates for the life of the edition.
Features more than 2/3 either brand-new or extensively revised chapters, with the remainder updated as appropriate.
Provides an increased emphasis on endovascular procedures throughout, including 13 chapters devoted solely to the topic plus a completely new section on basic endovascular techniques.
Delivers a totally revised section on vascular access.
Covers all of the latest vascular imaging techniques.
Offers a completely new section on non-operative patient management.
This edition is also available in a multimedia electronic web-based "E-dition" that includes the book...access to a fully searchable, state-of-the-art website-updated every week by Dr.
Rutherford-for the life of the edition...and an image bank available on the E-dition.
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For further information about these books, you can telephone:
+33 (0)1 42 65 39 95 http://www.lavoisier.fr
Hardback 21x30 2005 not yet published
approx.price..EUROS 241,25 ( FF 1582,50 )
Summary / Résumé
Based on advances in scanner and software technology, cardiovascular imaging with Multi-Detector Computed Tomography (CT) is developing into an important clinical diagnostic tool.
Combining the in-depth coverage of a text with the diagnostic utility of a manual, this book provides an introduction to the principles of MDCT for cardiovascular applications from the perspective of the CT technologist as well as the physician.
Detailed and practical, the Atlas and Manual of Cardiovascular Multi-detector Computed Tomography: contains a large number of selected images - the majority of which are acquired with state-of-the-art 16-slice technology.
Focuses on clinical manifestations of disease, diagnostic criteria and options for management.
Reviews major anti-arrhythmic drugs and new agents coming into use.
Discusses clinical applications in comparison with other imaging modalities, thus clarifying the strengths and the limitations of CT in the assessment of specific clinical problems.
Explores current standard applications such as imaging of the aorta, as well as emerging areas including coronary artery imaging.
Comprehensive and fully up to date, this is an important book for cardiovascular clinicians and technologists using CT imaging technology, cardiac specialists and nurses, and imaging physicists.
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Hardback 380 pp.
19x25 2005
EUROS 185,60 ( FF 1217,46 )
Summary / Résumé
New discoveries in genetics, molecular, and cell biology are not only enhancing our understanding of the etiology and progression of disease, but are finding applications in the development of new drugs or the implementation of new kinds of therapy.
Providing an in-depth review of emerging areas in biomedical research that are at the interface of science and clinical medicine, this volume explores the most important recent advances in lipidology, highlighting in particular how they relate to cardiovascular disease.
Written by a team of expert opinion leaders, the text discusses each topic in depth, and provides background information, as well as perspectives on current literature.
Focusing on developments across a broad range of disciplines, this is an authoritative overview of key advances, ideal for cardiologists, and biomedical researchers in cardiology, vascular biology, endocrinology and lipidology.
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LITT Jerome Z.
Hardback 170 pp.
EUROS 61,31 ( FF 402,17 )
Summary / Résumé
A must-have resource for the doctor¿s office and hospital consultations, this handy pocket reference describes and catalogs the adverse effects of commonly prescribed and over-the-counter generic drugs and herbals used in cardiology.
With an easy-to-use alphabetic format, and drugs listed, indexed and cross-referenced by both generic and trade names, key features include: more than 180 generic and over 500 trade name drugs, herbals and supplements used in cardiology, extensive listing of adverse reactions,categorized under skin, hair, nails, eye, hematopoietic, and other, listing of cardiology reaction patterns produced by non-cardiology drugs, identification of potentially hazardous drug-drug and drug-herb interactions, fully cross-referenced by drug and trade names with names of pharmaceutical companies plus indications, category, and half-life for each drug, listing of drugs by therapeutic class, from ACE inhibitors to vasodilators.
Providing targeted, detailed information, Cardiac Drug Reactions and Interactions is an essential resource for physicians in the field.
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Interested? To order your copy, go directly to the website Lavoisier.fr:
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