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INR (International Normalized Ratio) - TP (taux de prothrombine).
L’INR est un chiffre qui décrit l’efficacité du traitement anticoagulant de la famille des antivitamines K.
INR est l’abréviation du terme anglais « International Normalized Ratio », c’est-à-dire « rapport normalisé international ».
Définition technique: INR – mode d’expression standardisée du temps de Quick destinée à remédier aux variations dues aux différentes thromboplastines utilisées par les laboratoires d’analyse. L’INR est définie par la formule suivante : temps de Quick du malade/temps de Quick du témoin, ce rapport étant élevé à la puissance ISI (Indice de Sensibilité International)
La valeur habituelle de l’INR chez le sujet non traité est de 1.
Votre médecin doit vous préciser entre quelles valeurs d’INR vous devez vous trouver
pour être bien traité. Cette valeur dépend de la maladie et de la personne traitée. le dosage de l’INR est effectué dans les laboratoires de biologie médicale qui sont équipés pour ce faire. Le médecin donne au patient une ordonnance pour effectuer cette analyse qui nécessite une prise de sang.
Les médicaments antivitamines K (AVK) sont prescrits à titre curatif et préventif chez les patients à risque de thrombose artérielle ou veineuse.
Ces anticoagulants oraux nécessitent une surveillance biologique stricte afin d'adapter la posologie à chaque patient,
en particulier pour éviter le risque d'hémorragie spontanée par excès d'AVK,
Pendant longtemps, le calcul du taux de prothrombine (TP) a été considéré comme suffisant
pour surveiller l'effet anticoagulant,mais il est actuellement remplacé par le taux normalisé international
(TNI ou INR: International Normalized Ratio)
Ce nouvel indice est un calcul dérivé du TP (taux de prothrombine),
qui permet d'uniformiser les résultats de tous les laboratoires en fonction des réactifs
Les AVK sont des médicaments anticoagulants oraux, très largement prescrits
et souvent pour des périodes longues.
Leur utilisation suppose une surveillance biologique régulière de leur efficacité
en raison des risques hémorragiques.
The information provided on this www.heartandcoeur.com site is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider.
Standard Reporting The International Normalized Ratio (INR)
The INR is a standardized system of reporting PT, based on a referenced calibration model and calculated by comparing the patient's PT with a control value. Factored into this calculation is the International Sensitivity Index (ISI), also developed by WHO, which is a determination of each reagent's degree of sensitivity, compared with that of a specific reference thromboplastin (which was assigned an ISI of 1.0).The ISI allows the associated PT ratio to be normalized to an International Reference Preparation.
Standard Reporting The International Normalized Ratio (INR), adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1983, attempts to address the many variables associated with the measure of warfarin effectiveness.Acceptance of the INR in the United States has been slow.This is surprising, considering the INR's potential value as a marker--one that allows for comparisons of values, regardless of the source or sensitivity of the thromboplastin reagent used. This allows for consistency in evaluation and treatment.
Currently, the desired INR for most moderate-intensity warfarin regimens is between 2.0 and 3.0 However, more intensive therapy may require higher INR values5--although an INR higher than 4 is considered dangerous because of the increased risk of bleeding.
Patients for whom oral anticoagulation therapy is planned should have baseline studies, including a PT. Because individual patient response to anticoagulant therapy varies, INR values are most useful after 1 to 2 weeks, when adequate time has been allowed for individual response. The INR then provides a very consistent and reliable tool for the clinician and patient, eliminating the variability that can occur in the PT:control ratio system due to differences in reagent sensitivity. Results from any lab that uses the INR process can be considered consistent. Typically, the laboratory report will indicate the patient's PT and the INR. If the INR is in the desired range, a PT value that is high or low (most likely due to varying reagent sensitivity) should not present a problem. The INR represents a standardized value and the one for guiding treatment.
As therapeutic outcomes come to be measured more consistently in relation to INR values, clinical data will become better established and more specific therapeutic values will be identified.
Short of requiring all laboratories to use a standard thromboplastin, it is important that patients be monitored at the same laboratory using the same or similar reagents during the initial treatment phase,7 a period of time which may last as long as 2 weeks. The American College of Chest Physicians has recommended using thromboplastin reagents with an ISI of 1.2 or less to increase reliability in INR reporting.and 3.0 This becomes less important once the initial treatment period has passed. Conclusion Introduced 14 years ago to the United States and gaining acceptance slowly, the INR nearly eliminates variability in PT by taking into account the possible variations in reagent sensitivity. The INR provides a consistent monitor for oral anticoagulation therapy that makes it a very useful tool for clinicians.