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Altamont - (Duchesne) | 84001 | Utah | 435 |
Alton - (Kane) | 84710 | Utah | 435 |
Altonah - (Duchesne) | 84002 | Utah | 435 |
Aneth - (San Juan) | 84510 | Utah | 435 |
Annabella - (Sevier) | 84711 | Utah | 435 |
Antimony - (Garfield) | 84712 | Utah | 435 |
Aurora - (Sevier) | 84620 | Utah | 435 |
Axtell - (Sanpete) | 84621 | Utah | 435 |
Bear River City - (Box Elder) | 84301 | Utah | 435 |
Beaver - (Beaver) | 84713 | Utah | 435 |
Beryl - (Iron) | 84714 | Utah | 435 |
Bicknell - (Wayne) | 84715 | Utah | 435 |
Blanding - (San Juan) | 84511 | Utah | 435 |
Bluebell - (Duchesne) | 84007 | Utah | 435 |
Bluff - (San Juan) | 84512 | Utah | 435 |
Bonanza - (Uintah) | 84008 | Utah | 435 |
Boulder - (Garfield) | 84716 | Utah | 435 |
Brian Head - (Iron) | 84719 | Utah | 435 |
Brigham City - (Box Elder) | 84302 | Utah | 435 |
Bryce - (Garfield) | 84764 | Utah | 435 |
Bryce Canyon - (Garfield) | 84717 | Utah | 435 |
Cache Junction - (Cache) | 84304 | Utah | 435 |
Cannonville - (Garfield) | 84718 | Utah | 435 |
Castle Dale - (Emery) | 84513 | Utah | 435 |
Cedar City - (Iron) | 84720 | Utah | 435 |
Cedar City - (Iron) | 84721 | Utah | 435 |
Centerfield - (Sanpete) | 84622 | Utah | 435 |
Central - (Washington) | 84722 | Utah | 435 |
Chester - (Sanpete) | 84623 | Utah | 435 |
Circleville - (Piute) | 84723 | Utah | 435 |
Cisco - (Grand) | 84515 | Utah | 435 |
Clarkston - (Cache) | 84305 | Utah | 435 |
Clawson - (Emery) | 84516 | Utah | 435 |
Cleveland - (Emery) | 84518 | Utah | 435 |
Coalville - (Summit) | 84017 | Utah | 435 |
Collinston - (Box Elder) | 84306 | Utah | 435 |
Corinne - (Box Elder) | 84307 | Utah | 435 |
Cornish - (Cache) | 84308 | Utah | 435 |
Dammeron Valley - (Washington) | 84783 | Utah | 435 |
Delta - (Millard) | 84624 | Utah | 435 |
Deweyville - (Box Elder) | 84309 | Utah | 435 |
Duchesne - (Duchesne) | 84021 | Utah | 435 |
Duck Creek Village - (Kane) | 84762 | Utah | 435 |
Dugway - (Tooele) | 84022 | Utah | 435 |
Dutch John - (Daggett) | 84023 | Utah | 435 |
East Carbon - (Carbon) | 84520 | Utah | 435 |
Echo - (Summit) | 84024 | Utah | 435 |
Elmo - (Emery) | 84521 | Utah | 435 |
Elsinore - (Sevier) | 84724 | Utah | 435 |
Emery - (Emery) | 84522 | Utah | 435 |
Enterprise - (Washington) | 84725 | Utah | 435 |
Ephraim - (Sanpete) | 84627 | Utah | 435 |
Escalante - (Garfield) | 84726 | Utah | 435 |
Eureka - (Juab) | 84628 | Utah | 435 |
Fairview - (Sanpete) | 84629 | Utah | 435 |
Fayette - (Sanpete) | 84630 | Utah | 435 |
Ferron - (Emery) | 84523 | Utah | 435 |
Fielding - (Box Elder) | 84311 | Utah | 435 |
Fillmore - (Millard) | 84631 | Utah | 435 |
Fort Duchesne - (Uintah) | 84026 | Utah | 435 |
Fountain Green - (Sanpete) | 84632 | Utah | 435 |
Fruitland - (Duchesne) | 84027 | Utah | 435 |
Garden City - (Rich) | 84028 | Utah | 435 |
Garland - (Box Elder) | 84312 | Utah | 435 |
Garrison - (Millard) | 84728 | Utah | 435 |
Glendale - (Kane) | 84729 | Utah | 435 |
Glenwood - (Sevier) | 84730 | Utah | 435 |
Grantsville - (Tooele) | 84029 | Utah | 435 |
Green River - (Emery) | 84525 | Utah | 435 |
Greenville - (Beaver) | 84731 | Utah | 435 |
Greenwich - (Piute) | 84732 | Utah | 435 |
Grouse Creek - (Box Elder) | 84313 | Utah | 435 |
Gunlock - (Washington) | 84733 | Utah | 435 |
Gunnison - (Sanpete) | 84634 | Utah | 435 |
Gusher - (Uintah) | 84030 | Utah | 435 |
Hanksville - (Wayne) | 84734 | Utah | 435 |
Hanna - (Duchesne) | 84031 | Utah | 435 |
Hatch - (Garfield) | 84735 | Utah | 435 |
Heber City - (Wasatch) | 84032 | Utah | 435 |
Helper - (Carbon) | 84526 | Utah | 435 |
Henefer - (Summit) | 84033 | Utah | 435 |
Henrieville - (Garfield) | 84736 | Utah | 435 |
Hiawatha - (Carbon) | 84527 | Utah | 435 |
Hildale - (Washington) | 84784 | Utah | 435 |
Hinckley - (Millard) | 84635 | Utah | 435 |
Holden - (Millard) | 84636 | Utah | 435 |
Honeyville - (Box Elder) | 84314 | Utah | 435 |
Howell - (Box Elder) | 84316 | Utah | 435 |
Huntington - (Emery) | 84528 | Utah | 435 |
Hurricane - (Washington) | 84737 | Utah | 435 |
Hyde Park - (Cache) | 84318 | Utah | 435 |
Hyrum - (Cache) | 84319 | Utah | 435 |
Ibapah - (Tooele) | 84034 | Utah | 435 |
Ivins - (Washington) | 84738 | Utah | 435 |
Jensen - (Uintah) | 84035 | Utah | 435 |
Joseph - (Sevier) | 84739 | Utah | 435 |
Junction - (Piute) | 84740 | Utah | 435 |
Kamas - (Summit) | 84036 | Utah | 435 |
Kanab - (Kane) | 84741 | Utah | 435 |
Kanarraville - (Iron) | 84742 | Utah | 435 |
Kanosh - (Millard) | 84637 | Utah | 435 |
Kenilworth - (Carbon) | 84529 | Utah | 435 |
Kingston - (Piute) | 84743 | Utah | 435 |
Koosharem - (Sevier) | 84744 | Utah | 435 |
La Sal - (San Juan) | 84530 | Utah | 435 |
La Verkin - (Washington) | 84745 | Utah | 435 |
Lake Powell - (San Juan) | 84533 | Utah | 435 |
Laketown - (Rich) | 84038 | Utah | 435 |
Lapoint - (Uintah) | 84039 | Utah | 435 |
Leamington - (Millard) | 84638 | Utah | 435 |
Leeds - (Washington) | 84746 | Utah | 435 |
Levan - (Juab) | 84639 | Utah | 435 |
Lewiston - (Cache) | 84320 | Utah | 435 |
Loa - (Wayne) | 84747 | Utah | 435 |
Logan - (Cache) | 84321 | Utah | 435 |
Logan - (Cache) | 84322 | Utah | 435 |
Logan - (Cache) | 84323 | Utah | 435 |
Logan - (Cache) | 84341 | Utah | 435 |
Lyman - (Wayne) | 84749 | Utah | 435 |
Lynndyl - (Millard) | 84640 | Utah | 435 |
Manila - (Daggett) | 84046 | Utah | 435 |
Manti - (Sanpete) | 84642 | Utah | 435 |
Mantua - (Box Elder) | 84324 | Utah | 435 |
Marysvale - (Piute) | 84750 | Utah | 435 |
Mayfield - (Sanpete) | 84643 | Utah | 435 |
Meadow - (Millard) | 84644 | Utah | 435 |
Mendon - (Cache) | 84325 | Utah | 435 |
Mexican Hat - (San Juan) | 84531 | Utah | 435 |
Midway - (Wasatch) | 84049 | Utah | 435 |
Milford - (Beaver) | 84751 | Utah | 435 |
Millville - (Cache) | 84326 | Utah | 435 |
Minersville - (Beaver) | 84752 | Utah | 435 |
Moab - (Grand) | 84532 | Utah | 435 |
Modena - (Iron) | 84753 | Utah | 435 |
Mona - (Juab) | 84645 | Utah | 435 |
Monroe - (Sevier) | 84754 | Utah | 435 |
Montezuma Creek - (San Juan) | 84534 | Utah | 435 |
Monticello - (San Juan) | 84535 | Utah | 435 |
Monument Valley - (San Juan) | 84536 | Utah | 435 |
Moroni - (Sanpete) | 84646 | Utah | 435 |
Mount Carmel - (Kane) | 84755 | Utah | 435 |
Mount Pleasant - (Sanpete) | 84647 | Utah | 435 |
Mountain Home - (Duchesne) | 84051 | Utah | 435 |
Myton - (Duchesne) | 84052 | Utah | 435 |
Neola - (Duchesne) | 84053 | Utah | 435 |
Nephi - (Juab) | 84648 | Utah | 435 |
New Harmony - (Washington) | 84757 | Utah | 435 |
Newcastle - (Iron) | 84756 | Utah | 435 |
Newton - (Cache) | 84327 | Utah | 435 |
Oak City - (Millard) | 84649 | Utah | 435 |
Oakley - (Summit) | 84055 | Utah | 435 |
Oasis - (Millard) | 84650 | Utah | 435 |
Orangeville - (Emery) | 84537 | Utah | 435 |
Orderville - (Kane) | 84758 | Utah | 435 |
Panguitch - (Garfield) | 84759 | Utah | 435 |
Paradise - (Cache) | 84328 | Utah | 435 |
Paragonah - (Iron) | 84760 | Utah | 435 |
Park City - (Summit) | 84060 | Utah | 435 |
Park City - (Summit) | 84068 | Utah | 435 |
Park City - (Summit) | 84098 | Utah | 435 |
Park Valley - (Box Elder) | 84329 | Utah | 435 |
Parowan - (Iron) | 84761 | Utah | 435 |
Peoa - (Summit) | 84061 | Utah | 435 |
Pine Valley - (Washington) | 84781 | Utah | 435 |
Plymouth - (Box Elder) | 84330 | Utah | 435 |
Portage - (Box Elder) | 84331 | Utah | 435 |
Price - (Carbon) | 84501 | Utah | 435 |
Providence - (Cache) | 84332 | Utah | 435 |
Randlett - (Uintah) | 84063 | Utah | 435 |
Randolph - (Rich) | 84064 | Utah | 435 |
Redmond - (Sevier) | 84652 | Utah | 435 |
Richfield - (Sevier) | 84701 | Utah | 435 |
Richmond - (Cache) | 84333 | Utah | 435 |
Riverside - (Box Elder) | 84334 | Utah | 435 |
Rockville - (Washington) | 84763 | Utah | 435 |
Roosevelt - (Duchesne) | 84066 | Utah | 435 |
Rush Valley - (Tooele) | 84069 | Utah | 435 |
Saint George - (Washington) | 84770 | Utah | 435 |
Saint George - (Washington) | 84771 | Utah | 435 |
Saint George - (Washington) | 84790 | Utah | 435 |
Saint George - (Washington) | 84791 | Utah | 435 |
Salina - (Sevier) | 84654 | Utah | 435 |
Santa Clara - (Washington) | 84765 | Utah | 435 |
Scipio - (Millard) | 84656 | Utah | 435 |
Sevier - (Sevier) | 84766 | Utah | 435 |
Sigurd - (Sevier) | 84657 | Utah | 435 |
Smithfield - (Cache) | 84335 | Utah | 435 |
Snowville - (Box Elder) | 84336 | Utah | 435 |
Spring City - (Sanpete) | 84662 | Utah | 435 |
Springdale - (Washington) | 84767 | Utah | 435 |
Sterling - (Sanpete) | 84665 | Utah | 435 |
Stockton - (Tooele) | 84071 | Utah | 435 |
Summit - (Iron) | 84772 | Utah | 435 |
Sunnyside - (Carbon) | 84539 | Utah | 435 |
Tabiona - (Duchesne) | 84072 | Utah | 435 |
Talmage - (Duchesne) | 84073 | Utah | 435 |
Teasdale - (Wayne) | 84773 | Utah | 435 |
Thompson - (Grand) | 84540 | Utah | 435 |
Tooele - (Tooele) | 84074 | Utah | 435 |
Toquerville - (Washington) | 84774 | Utah | 435 |
Torrey - (Wayne) | 84775 | Utah | 435 |
Tremonton - (Box Elder) | 84337 | Utah | 435 |
Trenton - (Cache) | 84338 | Utah | 435 |
Tridell - (Uintah) | 84076 | Utah | 435 |
Tropic - (Garfield) | 84776 | Utah | 435 |
Vernal - (Uintah) | 84078 | Utah | 435 |
Vernal - (Uintah) | 84079 | Utah | 435 |
Vernon - (Tooele) | 84080 | Utah | 435 |
Veyo - (Washington) | 84782 | Utah | 435 |
Virgin - (Washington) | 84779 | Utah | 435 |
Wales - (Sanpete) | 84667 | Utah | 435 |
Wallsburg - (Wasatch) | 84082 | Utah | 435 |
Washington - (Washington) | 84780 | Utah | 435 |
Wellington - (Carbon) | 84542 | Utah | 435 |
Wellsville - (Cache) | 84339 | Utah | 435 |
Wendover - (Tooele) | 84083 | Utah | 435 |
Whiterocks - (Uintah) | 84085 | Utah | 435 |
Willard - (Box Elder) | 84340 | Utah | 435 |
Woodruff - (Rich) | 84086 | Utah | 435 |