Retour Veineux pulmonaire infradiaphragmatique
(Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return infradiaphragmatic)

Avec l'amabilité de l'University of Kansas. ©1996 University of Kansas©
Le Retour Veineux Pulmonaire Anormal Total/Partiel est une anomalie dans laquelle les veines pulmonaires ne sont pas connectées à l’oreillette gauche.
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return (TAPVR) is a rare congenital (present at birth) defect. With TAPVR, all four pulmonary veins do not connect normally to the left atrium. Instead, the four pulmonary veins drain abnormally to the right atrium (right upper chamber) through an abnormal (anomalous) connection.
Traduction acronymes (Anglais/français)
Acronym translator (English/French)
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Ao | (aorta) | AO (aorte) |
AAo | (ascending aorta) | Aorte ascendante |
DAo | (descending aorta) | Ao Aorte descendante |
PA | (pulmonary artery) | AP (Artére pulmonaire) |
RPA | (right pulmonary artery) | APD (artère pulmonaire droite) |
LPA | (left pulmonary artery) | APG (artère pulmonaire gauche) |
MPA | (main pulmonary artery) | APP (Artère pulmonaire principale) |
PDA | (patent ductus arteriosus) | CA (Canal artériel) |
ASD | (Atrial Septal Defect) | CIA (communication inter-auriculaire) |
RA | (Right Atrium) | OD (oreillette droite) |
LA | (Left Atrium) | OG (oreillette gauche) |
AV | Aortic valve | Valve aortique |
MV | Mitral valve) | valve mitrale |
PV | pulmonary valve | valve pulmonaire |
TV | (tricuspid valve) | valve tricuspide |
IVC | (Inferior Vena Cava) | VCI (veine cave inférieure) |
SVC | (Superior Vena Cava) | VCS (veine cave supérieure) |
RV | (right ventricle) | VD (ventricule droit) |
LV | (left ventricle) | VG (ventricule gauche) |
PV | (pulmonary vein) | VP (veine pulmonaire) |